Many people get themselves so deep into credit card debt that they find it necessary to use credit card debt management services. For many people this feels like their last chance at getting their credit card debt under control but if you are unable to stop yourself from piling up credit card debt then what are credit card debt management services going to be able to do for you?
Building up steadily as time goes on, credit card debt can turn into a huge expense. You get credit and then use it buy things. But that makes your minimum monthly higher than you can afford to pay, forcing you to use more credit to pay for it. The cycle must be broken eventually and things gotten under control, but using a credit card debt management service is not the ideal way to go about doing it.
You should stay away from credit card debt management services because, even though they can get you a low monthly payment by negotiating with your creditors, they will also charge you each month for their assistance. That means that all the money you would have saved is getting greatly reduced on a monthly basis because of the agency’s fee.
Don’t assume that credit card companies will always refuse to work directly with you. If you choose to use a credit card debt management service, you will destroy any relationship you once had with credit card companies and ruin your credit score too. If you had at least tried to negotiate with credit card companies on your own, you might have been able to eliminate your debt just as easily without the negative effects.
For many people the thought of salvaging their credit rating is the last thing on their minds but when you come out of your financial hardship and you realize that you could be doing better if you had planned better then you may regret it.
What Should I Do?
Step one is stop using the credit cards. Cut the cards up and call the companies and tell them you want a freeze on the account so it cannot be used. Get a second job to make up for the lost credit if you have to but stop using the cards. The credit card debt management services will do the same thing to you so you might as well do it on your own.
The next step is calling your creditors to negotiate your debt and a payment plant. This is the same process that debt management services follow, but you will have your own best interests in mind, not those of some company’s.
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