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Trump Network Distributors

by Ellie Gant

Donald Trump is getting ready to launch his own MLM in the fall of 2009. Well, it’s really more of a re-launch. He purchased the company, Ideal Health, and will be going public with the Trump Network. Since this is MLM, he is signing people up to be Trump Network distributors. Distributors will be able to sell the products the company has. From what the website shows, right now there are three main products.

One of the products Trump Network distributors will be able to sell is the weight loss product. They’ve developed it based on the latest research that shows people trying to lose weight should eat smaller meals throughout the day, instead of eating 3 big ones. So with this plan you sell people one meal and five snacks per day. Your customers are enrolled in auto shipping, so they have to actively call or go to the website if they want to cancel. This helps people stay with the system longer, increasing your payments.

Another product for Trump Network distributors is the natural drinks. There are three kinds. One will naturally get your customer going in the morning without a caffiene I.V. Another will boost their energy in the afternoon, without the crash that comes from most energy drinks. The final one is a natural drink that will help you get calmed down and ready for sleep without medication. These healthy alternatives to over the counter aids will appeal to many health conscious customers.

Trump Network distributors also get to promote the custom vitamin supplement. It comes with a unique selling point. First, the customer takes a home test to see what vitamins their body really needs, and then they will be able to order a formula specific to their needs. It?s another innovative twist from this company.

Trump Network distributors will have plenty of help getting started, with educational materials from the company. I’m sure there are some really bright people hard at work with this, making sure they are ready for the big launch.

Even with the company training, I think you should take a marketing course from another source as well. You don’t have to go back to college, just get enrolled in an online marketing course.

The company most likely won’t tell you about the many techniques you can use to make money, legitimately with your website, that will cut them out of the money. For example, if you knew how to get the visitors to your website to give you their email address, you could send out a monthly ezine that could feature related products that were not necessarily part of the Trump Network.

There are hundreds of ways to make money with marketing. One MLM isn’t going to be able to teach you everything. In order to come up with a marketing strategy that compliments your individual strengths, you need to know about them. If you’re going to be a Trump Network distributor, a marketing course is a must.

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