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Site Rubix – Website Creation So Easy A Caveman Can Do It!

by James Comer

Awesome! Wealthy Affiliate’s new website designer software knocked my socks off. Now, I could stop here, but then I’d be doing you a disservice by keeping it to myself and not sharing what Site Rubix is all about. Maybe you are aware- or not- that Wealthy Affiliate has been quietly turning out successful graduates of Affiliate Marketing University quite awhile now. There is just so much information, support, and tools that are cutting edge that the space I have in this article doesn’t do it justice.

Today, those in affiliate marketing these days run into the obstacle of often times having to hire someone for website design just go get a clean looking website. Having a well thought out website these days can literally mean the difference between rags and riches when it involves marketing products online. Just talk with anyone who is successful with affiliate marketing or someone whose livelihood comes from the internet. You have just a couple of seconds before your prospect hits the ‘back’ button and goes back to the search engine and finds someone else’s website which is more appealing to them than yours. Many affiliate marketers today just don’t give website design as much thought as they should.

Your best efforts are serviced by putting your efforts towards the most important components of affiliate marketing. Site Rubix from Kyle and Carson helps your parlay your efforts.

Site Rubix is literally a drag and drop phenomenon you have to see to believe. No Html experience necessary at all. No previous website design experience necessary at all either. You might even want to market your new found web design skills on the side and earn some extra money.

I’ve got a question for you. How much did you pay for Photoshop the last time you bought it? Could you even afford it? I bet it cost upwards of $500-1000 depending on your area. Though it’s a good program- you are not going to need an expensive program like that one. It’s capabilities are so vast. The small price you pay pales in comparison to how much similar programs will set you back.

Ok, you’ve got me excited, James. What else can Site Rubix do? How about you having the ability to duplicate pages that you’ve already created, or even full sites just by clicking your mouse? No need to reinvent the wheel. If you have a page or even a whole site that is working- use it again!

You can upload your own images and banners so that you can reuse them on many different sites. Site Rubix allows you to view, organize and manage your “media” in a very well laid out interface.. and it looks great too!

Prepare yourself to be blown away when you are using Site Rubix. There is no comparison for true drag-n-drop site creation. You’ll find that it doesn’t matter if you are building landing pages or marketing your website design services- Site Rubix will fulfill your needs.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Benefits Of Obtaining A Proper Secured Loan

by Todd Stevens

There are few other loans that hold as many benefits as the secured loan does. But in order to obtain them, consumers might have to put more effort into the process. But because of the many benefits they hold, the effort is in many cases well worth the trouble.

The first requirement for a secured loan, of course, is collateral. Collateral is some type of valuable that usually comes in the form of some type of property, jewelry, or even things such as automobiles. Collateral is forfeited to the lender in case the borrower defaults, which gives the lender much less risk as a result. While they may require more risk on the borrower’s part, the secured loan is still quite beneficial.

A line of poor credit is tough to erase or hide, especially from lenders who check them quite often to see what the odds are of offering a loan in the first place. If denied for a loan, a consumer can always try and obtain a secured loan instead. Doing so helps reduce risk on the lenders part, and loans can often be obtained in places where they previously couldn’t.

The credit rating of the individual obtaining the secured loan will almost always benefit from the process of paying the loan off. As long as the payments are made on time and no hiccups are seen in the process, one’s credit rating will receive a moderate boost in effect. This will enable borrowers to enjoy much more favorable terms should they need a loan in the future for whatever reason.

Since secured loans do have less risk involved on average, many lenders will even allow those with good credit ratings to not pay any interest at all for a certain amount of time. This is usually apparent in larger loans, where lenders can afford to reward borrowers with a few months of free interest as a token of their appreciation. But don’t fall for many gimmicks that offer this, and simply ramp up interest rates later down the road- make sure the offer is truly genuine and a showmanship of good business.

Lastly, a secured loan can be used for a wide variety of applications. Unlike unsecured loans, the secured loan puts less emphasis on budgeting and planning on the lender’s standpoint, who is already assured that their investment is safe. But in unsecured loans, lenders like to make budgeting and planning mandatory so they do not lose their investments in borrowers.

Final Thoughts

Secured loans are great to have around for big expenses such as a home or a new vehicle. As long as a good credit rating and a proper form of collateral is obtained, consumers can benefit greatly from obtaining them. And because they themselves boost credit ratings, it’s actually recommended to obtain them where applicable so as to ensure a healthy success in the financial industry for years to come.

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For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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How To Obtain Bad Credit Loans

by Todd Stevens

Anyone with a bad line of credit will agree that getting a loan can be a trying process. But for those with a poor credit score, there are options to get a loan with fair rates regardless of the line of credit one may have. Special terms may apply, but there are solutions nonetheless.

Payday loans are a common gateway to the loan industry for anyone with a sub-par credit history. Payday loans are famous for their practices in predatory lending, however, and consumers should keep a keen eye on any lender offering them. They don’t typically offer much, and interest rates are incredibly high. It isn’t uncommon to pay ten times as much in interest as a normal loan would entail. Because of this, payday loans should usually only be a last resort.

Secured loans are a bit better of an idea for borrowers with poor credit. Secured loans actually require that the consumer has something of value, however. This can be a car or a home- and in some cases, even proof of responsibility in paying one’s rent can be act somewhat as a type of security. In any case, consumers benefit from the secured loans as they are less of a risk in the lender’s eyes.

Charismatic personalities can sometimes talk their way into a loan, even with the history of bad credit. As long as a proper plan is drawn up, it remains concise, and details one’s budget and repayment plan, lenders will sometimes put more trust into the borrower. This option doesn’t work for everyone, as it requires a motivated personality and the ability to influence others- as well as proper negotiation tactics. Borrowers will find that these characteristics will take them a long way in the finance industry.

If borrowers own a mailbox or some form of mailing address, they probably are already familiar with preapproved credit cards and other forms of loans. It’s not hard to get multiple offers each week- but instead of trashing the offers instantly, take the time to look through a few to see the offers each credit card entails. Some lenders are designed especially for catering to borrowers with poor credit, and some offers are literally too good to pass up. Be on the lookout for scams and hidden fees or predatory lending, however, as these can be all too common in the industry.

Poor credit or no credit at all is best remedied by relying on one’s friends or family members. Such friends and family can cosign a loan, and promise to help out if the original borrower can’t make a payment. This helps lenders help reduce risk, and gives the original borrower better credit- as well as the loan they need for whatever purpose they require it for.

In Conclusion

Obtaining a loan even with poor credit isn’t impossible. In fact, it isn’t hard at all if the right motions are put into action. There are all sorts of options for those with bad credit that it’s hard not to find a solution- all that is required is effort in finding a lender with enough patience and need for business. And in the end, negotiating and proper characteristics help exponentially in the process.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Run Your Auto on Water and Save Thousands per Year

by Matthew Loop, DC

As high gas prices continue to skyrocket out of control, help still does not seem to be on the horizon. No one appears to be holding these oil companies accountable, and despite the immense public outcry, it does not appear that anyone is coming to save us from these astronomical gas costs. When it costs 2 to 3 thousands of dollars extra per year just to get to work and school, you know you are paying far too much.

That is why it is incredibly important for people to become aware of the alternative fuel sources that are currently available. By knowing about these alternative ways to power your car, you can help save money at the gas tank, you can reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and you can help the environment as well.

In fact, you can go on YouTube right now and find clips of news stories that have featured some very fascinating, simple, inexpensive fuel technologies. The hottest one sweeping the globe right now is the Run your Car on Water (HHO) phenomenon.

Using an inexpensive and easy to implement system, you can turn your car into a water gas hybrid in less than a day. HHO gas powered cars are the best way to save money at the gas tank and essentially create a new fuel system that is less harmful to your wallet and less harmful to the environment.

Although ideally we here in America will switch towards completely fuel free systems of travel, such as biking or running, it will obviously be quite a long time before anything like that is implemented. Until then, one way to get relief is to turn your car into a water car hybrid. The end result of the Hydrogen gas is water, so when you have used the fuel, far less harm is being done to the environment.

There is no relief in the near future from the outrageous gas prices that are upon us. You are living in a dream-world if you believe otherwise. Now, if you want to further thwart your gas costs you may strongly consider investing in a company like Exxon Mobile, as their stock prices will continue to skyrocket even in downturns in the market. Just last week, in fact, the DOW fell by 300+ points and caused chaos but Big Oil actually profited that day. This is just another insane example of corruption at the expense of crippling the middle class in America.

But if more people start to run their cars on water, the marketplace may actually be able to change more quickly. The more people that utilize a water fuel system, the more likely that some company somewhere will devote more money to researching the power supply. If successful, the market will adjust and more people will start to invest in this type of alternative energy source.

While television may still try to convince you that the only way to run your car is with high cost gasoline, HHO Gas is a readily available way to reduce your overall costs, improve your gas mileage considerably, and make a difference in the environment. The systems cost as little as 50 dollars to build, you can build it from home in less than a few hours, and you can start saving the environment and your budget right away.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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How To Use Credit Cards In Correct Manner

by Todd Stevens

Credit cards are single handedly responsible for putting a massive amount of consumers into debt each year. This is mostly because consumers aren’t educated on the proper usage of credit cards, but also because borrowers may get themselves into more than they can handle. If that’s the case, there are several guidelines to follow to prevent such catastrophe.

Credit card companies like to make the idea of free money as obvious as possible. After all, if a consumer goes on a shopping spree with “free money,” they are more likely to find themselves in a debt to the credit company in question. Thus, the first lesson is to steer clear of thinking of credit cards as free money, and instead as an emergency money source in the event that consumers are in a tight situation.

As a next lesson for those new to credit, interest rates and other fees will only come to buyers if they can’t pay off their purchases within a month. So long as they stay up to date on their purchases and bring their owed debts to zero each month, the common credit company won’t charge a thing to borrowers. The trick in this situation is to maintain a proper budget, and stay as up to date on it as possible so as to ensure debts aren’t created.

Credit cards will also offer incentives for using them- such as the chance to win prizes or cash back rewards. This is just another marketing scheme from big credit companies to try and get consumers to spend more money each month than they can pay off. In doing so, they may obtain a few rewards- but they will also be in much more debt than they would like to have.

Another more modern scheme among credit companies is to offer low interest rates for a certain period of time, and then increase them to unfair levels after a certain amount of time. Credit companies hope in this case that consumers forget they have to pay interest after a certain amount of time, or that they have bought a very expensive item during the no interest phase that carries over to the date where they need to start paying higher interest rates.

There is much to lose by using a credit card, but as long as a borrower can be responsible about the situation there is less of a chance debt will be obtained. In some cases credit companies will work with customers to adjust interest rates, plan payments, and even consolidate debts should they indeed be in over their head. In this case, credit companies can be just as helpful as they are greedy for money.

Closing Comments

Credit has had an interesting impact on the economies of nations around the world since its inception. But don’t let the demise of many borrowers scare one away from using it- it’s necessary to do so in order to build a good credit rating and credit history. Just be sure to do so with caution, and always try to use cash in place of credit just to stay on the safe side.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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How Home Loan Grants Can Help You

by Ethan Hunter

Interestingly, every year there are thousands and thousands of home loan grants, most that people are completely unaware exist. Because of this, the vast majority never take advantage of these grants, not even sure if they would qualify or knowing the proper steps to find out. The good news is that there is money available that could help people purchase the perfect home.

If you want to find out if you would qualify for home loan grants, you need to learn what they are and then find out what grants are available. In this article, you will find this information out to help.

What Kinds Of Grants Are There?

This is something that a lot of people don’t understand. They have no idea what is out there for them and have no way to know where to look to find them. There are many home loan grants out there, but you have to be able to find them fast and easily.

If you need to do repairs on your home – like remodel your kitchen, put new siding on, fix the pipes or electrical systems, put in that new bathroom you’ve been talking about, fix up your bedroom, or something else entirely – there is a home loan for that.

Then, if you are looking for a mortgage loan but find that you need help with the down payment, finding it difficult to save the money needed, you will discover grants can help. In fact, grants for this reason are the most common. These grants are relatively easy to qualify for, helping put thousands of dollars down toward the ideal home.

In fact, you will even discover a couple of grants that you provide you with between $1,000 and $3,000 as a way of paying back mortgage payments. With this, you would not have to worry about going into foreclosure while getting current on the loan.

Who Qualifies For These Home Loan Grants?

This is the big question though. Who qualifies for these home loan grants? Every grant will vary and, sometimes, there is not enough money in the grant to give to everyone that applies for the loan, but the basics do stay the same for the grants.

– To qualify for home loan grants, you would need an income deemed to be at poverty level, which is not difficult in today’s recession.

– There are home loan grants for people that are disabled as well as veterans and those with a very low income level. You can check with the loan but these are all reasons that you may qualify.

– Then, for people with a lot of personal debt, there are also grants available so you should never avoid applying, even if you are having some financial challenges.

To Conclude

You need to look at your situation and then consider home loan grants that could help. Remember, with thousands of dollars sitting there to be used, it is never too late nor should you feel nervous about applying.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Understanding the Mystery Shopper Program

by Ethan Hunter

If you have little to no idea of what a mystery shopper program is then you have come to the right place! Mystery shopping has been around for years, yet so many people still have no idea what it actually is. By learning more about the mystery shopper program you can then decide whether it is something that your company could benefit from. It is possible that working with a good mystery shopping company could help you to improve your business. So why not read on to find out more?

Every mystery shopper program will differ slightly, however they all aim to help you to improve your business and increase your sales. A mystery shopper will help you to see whether there are problems within your business and by using the mystery shopper program you will get to see exactly what your customers think about your business.

Whether you own a restaurant, retail store or hotel, the information about your customer’s experience can be used for improvement, and in some cases can help prevent business failure. A mystery shopper program can identify everything from staff, to environment to presentation within your business that needs improvement, as well as can point out the areas that a business is currently excelling in.

The main advantage to using a mystery shopper program is that you get unbiased results. You also get to choose which areas of your business you want evaluating. By taking a look at the results, analyzing them and seeing where the problems lie, often business owners can help to get their business back to full working order and they soon start to see the profits rolling in again.

One of the reasons that many businesses fail is that they are not providing solid customer service. It is important for a business to understand the customer’s needs when designing the business program and staff training.

Using a mystery shopper program provides such in-depth information; you will likely be amazed at what is going on within the business. While you can focus the reporting on areas of known concerns or having an overall company evaluation performed, one of the best investments you can make is with a mystery shopper program.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Getting Payday Advance Loans Without A Checking Account

by Ethan Hunter

Many people don’t have a checking account these days. Some of us can’t figure out how to life without our checking accounts. If you can live without one, then that’s great if it works for you and your situation.

The only challenge is that if you were ever to try to secure a payday advance loan without a checking account, you might have a difficult time. However, if you need the money and want to find a solution online, we feel this information will help.

You just have to look for them.

Finding Payday Advance Loans without a Checking Account

Yes, this will be more challenging than if you had an account but there are options to consider. Just remember, while it may seem hard to find payday advance loans without a checking account, you can do it. We recommend you start with your online resources.

Many loan companies don’t need a checking account to process your request and they may even give you money on the spot without looking at any of your accounts.

However, you may find with this that you end up paying higher fees. For instance, you may discover that you end up with a higher annual percentage rate, realizing the loan is not even worth hassling with.

Your offline choices are harder to get sometimes, but easier to actually find… is it worth the extra money, though?

Online companies are usually cheaper, but they may be harder to find, and can save you some money.

While countless websites offer payday loan, only few offer payday advance loans without a checking account – you get your money normally from the company, who sends you a check in the amount that your loan is for. You can pay them by either sending them a money order, or cash.

Sometimes, though rarely, you can get your money through wire transfer. While this is a secure form of payment, it does have its drawbacks – in some small towns, there is no where to pick up, or drop off, cash, like Western Union. If you have a place nearby, though, this is a great option that can get you your money even faster!

Because of this, some of the larger payday advance loan companies are offering to send money to a person’s PayPal account. In addition to being a fast solution, PayPal is also highly secure and safe. This site is operated by a third party and there is little hassle.

It’s not hard to get a PayPal account and it’s free!! You can pay at many stores online and you can get payments from your eBay auctions as well as others. PayPal has few small fees and no annual costs.


Getting payday advance loans without a checking account seems hard, but really, it isn’t – a little digging, and a bit of time, and turn up a lot.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Four FREE Ways to Make Money Online

by Joseph Then

Have you ever imagined how great it is if you could sit at home and start making money online? Well, I know how it feels. I am sure some of you have heard of online money making schemes and I am not surprised that these schemes require you to pay upfront. Well, trust me on this; there are several ways in which you can make money online for free. If you are wondering how you can do it, read on.

1. Offering Your Services

Perhaps the easiest way to get started making money online is by offering your services to other internet marketers. If there is something you do especially well – such as writing, designing web pages, etc. – then you can find people who will be more than happy to pay for your services. You can go to some sites that charge you to pay to bid on projects (such as elance or scriptlance) but you don’t have to.

Well I am sure you are not willing to pay for something you are unsure of. I suggest that you put your services on a forum. That way, people who need your help can get to you. You should remember to put your email and probably your contact number. You can also charge the first few projects at very low price just to get a head start on references.

2. Affiliate Marketing and Free Blog

There are many websites offering you sign ups and thus you will get cash in return. Is this true? Well I know it is. One of the most popular and best website you can go to is Clickbank. It is one of the best and easiest to sign up with. All you need to do is to write a blog and promote products three to four times a week and you’re on your way to making money.

3. Use Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites is another great way to make money through affiliate sales. You can be an active member and create one or more pages on social sites such as MySpace, FaceBook, Squidoo, Xanga, and FacePaint. You can also use your social networking site(s) in conjunction with a free blog. Also, you can use article marketing to help direct traffic to your social networking sites.

4. Create a Product and Sell it!

Well, you can create something and call it your own. By doing this you can earn money. How? Well, you can simply sell it online. You can promote your self made product on networking sites and you are on your way to making more money. However, if you are intending to do this, you may need some money to start up your ‘business’.

So there you have four free ways to make money online. You can commit to any or all of these free ways and begin bringing in money within a few days to a couple weeks

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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