Awesome! Wealthy Affiliate’s new website designer software knocked my socks off. Now, I could stop here, but then I’d be doing you a disservice by keeping it to myself and not sharing what Site Rubix is all about. Maybe you are aware- or not- that Wealthy Affiliate has been quietly turning out successful graduates of Affiliate Marketing University quite awhile now. There is just so much information, support, and tools that are cutting edge that the space I have in this article doesn’t do it justice.
Today, those in affiliate marketing these days run into the obstacle of often times having to hire someone for website design just go get a clean looking website. Having a well thought out website these days can literally mean the difference between rags and riches when it involves marketing products online. Just talk with anyone who is successful with affiliate marketing or someone whose livelihood comes from the internet. You have just a couple of seconds before your prospect hits the ‘back’ button and goes back to the search engine and finds someone else’s website which is more appealing to them than yours. Many affiliate marketers today just don’t give website design as much thought as they should.
Your best efforts are serviced by putting your efforts towards the most important components of affiliate marketing. Site Rubix from Kyle and Carson helps your parlay your efforts.
Site Rubix is literally a drag and drop phenomenon you have to see to believe. No Html experience necessary at all. No previous website design experience necessary at all either. You might even want to market your new found web design skills on the side and earn some extra money.
I’ve got a question for you. How much did you pay for Photoshop the last time you bought it? Could you even afford it? I bet it cost upwards of $500-1000 depending on your area. Though it’s a good program- you are not going to need an expensive program like that one. It’s capabilities are so vast. The small price you pay pales in comparison to how much similar programs will set you back.
Ok, you’ve got me excited, James. What else can Site Rubix do? How about you having the ability to duplicate pages that you’ve already created, or even full sites just by clicking your mouse? No need to reinvent the wheel. If you have a page or even a whole site that is working- use it again!
You can upload your own images and banners so that you can reuse them on many different sites. Site Rubix allows you to view, organize and manage your “media” in a very well laid out interface.. and it looks great too!
Prepare yourself to be blown away when you are using Site Rubix. There is no comparison for true drag-n-drop site creation. You’ll find that it doesn’t matter if you are building landing pages or marketing your website design services- Site Rubix will fulfill your needs.
For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (