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Outdoor Rabbits Need The Protection Of A Good Hutch

by Frank Froggatt

Bunny rabbits make great pets, whether you keep them indoors or out.If you decide to keep your rabbit outdoors, then you will have to acquire an outdoor rabbit hutch. There are many different options on outdoor rabbit hutches, you can either build it yourself or you can opt to buy it from a store online, or from an auction on eBay.

There are a lot of dangers associated with keeping your pet rabbit outside you need to be aware of. One of the biggest common dangers is predators. Some of the common predators of the rabbit include snakes, raccoons, foxes, and even domestic cats. Because of the rabbits skittish nature, the danger isn’t just in them being eaten, it also lies in the fact that a frightened rabbit can die of a heart attack very easily.

With this in mind, you can see why you really need to pick a good rabbit hutch for your bunny if you’re going to keep it outside.Providing a rabbit with an enclosed shelter, is an essential so that it feels safe when a critter comes around. It also needs to contain enough shelter to keep the rabbit comfortable in foul weather.

You need to take into consideration the size of the rabbit when it is fully grown, when it comes to the process of making a decision on how big of a cage to get.The minimum requirements for a rabbit is that it has four times the length of itself when it is fully stretched out. The rabbit must have this extra space if you plan on putting a litter box into the hutch.

Most often you’ll run into types of rabbit hutches that are made out of wood and wire separately. Typically you will find the type that is made out of wood being used outdoors. These wood hutches provide your rabbit with a lot more security and safety, as well as giving a lot more insulation from the weather. It is my opinion that if you are going to build your own rabbit hutch, attaching a wire cage run area to a wooden living unit would be an awesome combination for your rabbit. Always use quality materials when you’re building your own if you want it to last.

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