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Important of Identification Cards

by Alan Chan

All the institutions and organizations today need its members to utilize an identification card which is a proof that they are a part of that particular institution. Identification card verifies, identifies and proves beyond doubt that a person belongs to that specific organization. The tiny, standardized plastic holds our photograph. This photograph attested document is the biggest statement of admission or recruitment for a student, employer or an employee. Few countries think of identification cards as compulsory. Others think of it as being voluntary.

The identification card may differ in form and content. There are few fundamentals which are common for all the identification cards though. The name, address, birth date and identification number is a must. Apart from this, it may hold a bearer’s profession or rank, date of expiry, date of issue and place of issue. All across the globe, a photo signature proof is a must. In fact, the contents of the card are largely determined by where and how it is going to be used. Institutions which need a more secure environment require fingerprints and other biometric information to be displayed on the identification card by its employees. The biometric data can include hair color, skin type, hair type and facial contours and measurement.

Sometimes an employee does not use the ID’s that are being given to them. There can be poor results of such violation of codes. Keeping away from using ID can cause serious issues for the company you are working for. The ID is meant to be a protection from unwanted invasion. There are people who try to enter an organization with harmful intent; such people can be kept at bay if a company issues proper identification cards to its members. ID cards are most wonderful instruments of surveillance. Any person without an ID feels insecure even psychologically.

The ID should be worn at a place where it is easily visible to all. It is not hard to understand. A badge of identification needs to be visible. It is a bare necessity. Different institutes believe in different protocols. Few ask the employees to wear the badge on the shoulder. Others may want the employees to wear it on the pelvic area. The idea is to adhere to whatever discipline the particular organization follows.

ID’s should also be properly taken cared of even if you’re already off from work or school. Once you’re out from work or school, keep your ID in a safe place where it won’t be misplaced and you could easily get hold with it when you’re going to work or school because sometimes it may be used by another person and get away with it. Don’t wet your ID because the plastic might be worn out and get destroyed or may look untidy.

Since you identification card is so important, how is it made should be the priority for its manufacturer. It should be durable yet attractive to look at since it can also be a part of your grooming and moreover it should not be bulky. Common for today are those E-card type.

Other usage of the identification cards are for bank account openings, claims of money or sending it, or any type of claims, entrance to an institution that requires for an identity check to avoid criminal entry, processing of passports, and many more dealings that will identify validity to the transactions that you are processing in their office.

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For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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