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Antique Diamond Engagement Ring

by Alice Sy

Diamonds remain to be one of the most sought-after possessions for they represent perfection, beauty, power, and wealth. Among all gemstones, a diamond is considered the most suitable particularly in engagements.

An engagement ring is a piece of jewelry worn with much value. Engagement rings oftentimes lead to a wonderful union between two lives. History affirms that engagement rings came about in 1215 when Pope Innocent III declared an interlude for marriages. In those times, as promise from the man that he would not abandon his woman during the waiting period, a simple metal band was given to the woman.

These bands were later enhanced and accentuated with gemstones and eventually came to be known as engagement rings.

Today, modern technology provides for wide varieties of diamond engagement rings, perfectly cut and ornamented. Yet despite the boom of contemporary designs made of famous brands, many couples still prefer heirloom or antique engagement ring.

An antique diamond engagement ring has its unique charm that cannot be found in mass marketed jewelries. Passed from generation to generation, antique diamond engagement rings bear witness to unconditional, endless loves. It brings ardent hope of lasting bond for the would-be couple.

Any ring over 50 years of existence is an antique. Antique diamond engagement rings are often lavishly designed. They have distinctly varied designs, including Victorian, Edwardian, and Art-Deco, to name a few. It could even be said that no two antique rings are ever the same, as none of them could ever have identical cuts.

Antique rings unlike the new fashioned rings, made out of state of the art technology, are not perfectly cut but this very imperfection adds even more to the ingenuity and uniqueness of each piece.

Though rare, you can still get hold of antique diamond engagement rings if you are clever and patient enough to search for it. Here are some suggestions:

You can first rummage your mothers jewelry box, who knows what prized possession you might find in there. You can go to a certified and trusted jeweler who may guide you in your quest. You can go to a pawnshop or visit an antique/vintage store. You can attend estate sales where you can find estate rings; these are newer rings, not yet antique, but are on their way to becoming so.

And of course, use the internet to get quick access about these timeless masterpieces.

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For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Six Reasons to Invest in Oil and Gas

by Terry Stanfield

There are many reasons you might consider oil and gas investments. There are many benefits that make this sort of investment look very attractive. Here are six reasons why you might consider investing in oil and gas.

1. Easy to understand and research. Oil and gas investing is an easy investment to understand. You don’t have to do years of research as you would in the stockbroker world. The gas investments field is very easy. You can make a good decision on your financial future without being a genius.

2. Potential returns. Returns can have a projection of anywhere from five to ten times the initial investment. This is a very risky investment but you can make a lot of money when oil is found. The investment is in most cases of success is incredibly profitable.

3. The investment. When you get into gas investments and your investment does well you have the potential to be very rich. Money is what it is all about and the industry of oil and gas gives the biggest profit for investors.

4. Immediate results. You can start receiving money when you hit a well as soon as 60 to 90 days. Profit begins immediately. The profit on this type of investment will happen right away and the projections are usually through the roof. There isn’t an investment on the market that provides results as quickly as oil and gas has the potential to.

5. Tax deductions. There are many tax deductions you can claim the next time you file your taxes. These deductions can get you a good sized return or make it so you owe less money when you file next year. Oil investments have more tax write-offs than any other investment out there. This is because there is so much about your investment that you can claim. The things you can claim include the tangible and intangible costs, you are given a depletion allowance, and more.

6. If you don’t find oil, 100% of your costs can be written off. In the event that you hit a dry hole and find your investment is down the hole and you lose everything you can write off 100% of investment as a loss of a business. This is a very big advantage.

There are many reasons you might consider oil and gas investing as your next big endeavor. If you are looking for something solid to sink your money into this might be it. Oil investments can be a risky decision but you can make a huge profit in the long run.

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For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Six Things to Know about Oil and Gas Investments

by Terry Stanfield

If you are interested in oil and gas investing there are many things to consider. Here are six things you might want to consider before you get started.

1. Dry hole drilling. When it comes to drilling oil, it is all about location. It has happened before for oil investments when the drilling site comes up dry the investor loses all of their oil investments. You can lose the entire investment and this is a risk you have to take. It is important to remember that you can write off the entire amount of the investment if the endeavor fails though.

2. Scams. There are many people out there who want to take advantage of others who are trying to make an honest investment. Be sure you do your due diligence and know you are working with an actual company.

3. Price volatility. Oil and gas investing has many factors but the profit relies on the market prices of the oil and gas. It is common for prices to be volatile. When this occurs it can have a major impact about the profitability.

4. Company Management. When you invest in gas investments it is important to look at the company. One of the biggest success factors is about the people who are managing the company. Learn about the management and if you think they are capable you might have chosen a good investment.

5. Contracts. Before you sign any contract it is extremely important to read it thoroughly. Read all of the fine print and be sure you like what it says. Don’t sign anything that you don’t agree with. The best thing you can do is have your attorney review any contractual agreement about your investments before you sign them. An attorney will find any holes or problems with a contract and may be able to help work out any details that need to be changed.

6. Research. The most important thing you can do when you choose oil investments is to do plenty of research. Know everything about your investment before you make your decision. Research everything you can about the location of the drill site, the company doing the drilling, and more. The more you know about the gas investments, the more comfortable you will be with your decision.

Oil and gas investments can be considered a risky endeavor. However, you can make a lot of money if you invest with the right company. Always do your due diligences before you make a decision on where you want to invest your money.

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For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Simple 5 steps to Profitable Forex trading

by Joel Gardner

Spend a little time online reading about the ins and outs of Forex trading and before long your brain might start to feel like it’s in knots. There are so many technical terms, so many different trading strategies and techniques that it’s easy to get confused and overwhelmed. The thing is, though, sometimes Forex trading only seems this complicated when you start to over analyze. There are things you can do to make it simpler, though.

Have a firm foundation

Before you jumped into details studies of forex trading trying to find tips or insights, get a solid foundation first. By doing so, you will find it easier to learn about forex trading because everything will be based on logic.

Trading Less

Forex isn’t a numbers game where you can just through up bunch of trades out there and hope something sticks. You need to place more emphasis on being correct. To do that, you can’t be burning up all your mental energy making trade after trade. While it’s true no one can ever predict with 100% accuracy what a particular currency pair will do, those who take the time to do proper analysis have a far better chance of turning a good profit.

Be more aggressive in your trade.

If you have done a through research on your trade and is sure that you will profit, than risk more. If you risk only say only 2% of your capital, the return might be so inconsequential that you might think forex trading is not worth the time. While it is fine for those who are new to just dip their toes into the water, but if you are sure of what you are doing, risk more then.


Many of those new to the forex trade make the mistake of looking around to see which currencies is most profitable. The problem is that almost all currencies have different variables which affects their profitability. Rather than running around, focus on a single pair and trade on that pair only. If you have gain enough experiences trading on that currencies then you can consider adding another pair to your trade portfolio.

Recording all your trades.

Making mistakes is expected of everybody. When we are new to forex, we should expect to make several mistakes. But is is also important to learn form your mistakes so that you will not repeat them. In order for you to be able to see your mistakes, it is essential that your trading records reflect this. As such, you must note down the reason for your trades as well and not just the transaction details. These reasons will allow you to analyses why you trade in any particular manner and with that you can fine tune your investment strategy.

By adopting these simple strategy you will be able to free up a lot of mental burden. This leaves you a clear focus mind to concentrate on profitable trading. You will also be able to gear your investment strategy properly for more profitable trading.

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For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Six Pieces Of Information A Telesales Person Needs From Every Call

by Terry Stanfield

Making sales as a business to business telemarketer can be challenging. Many people do not react kindly to telesales people and even businesses which are approached with needed products or services can turn away callers. There are many things you can do as a telesales person to make closing the sale easier including knowing what to say and how to approach potential clients and customers.

If you want to be a successful telesales person you will need the right approach when talking to potential clients and customers. There is a lot of important information you should gather during your call that will make identifying your customer’s needs and closing the sale easier.

The first piece of information you should get is to clearly define the customer’s needs. Using open ended questions and suggestions will allow you to access exactly what your potential customer needs and will allow you to better match them with products and services.

Along with determining your customers needs, you also need to find out what problem or problems your potential customer needs to solve. Knowing this information will make it easier for you to suggest the product or service that will solve their problem.

It can be hard for business to business telemarketers to close sales, which is why it is important to find out how interested a potential customer is in your product or service. Knowing a potential customer’s level of interest will enable you to be more aggressive, or back off, of your sales approach to more effectively close the sale.

You will also want to determine the best way to follow up with your customer. Knowing how they prefer to receive further contact, via phone, email, regular mail, or in person will set you up for positive continued communication.

Find out if a potential customer already has similar products or services to those you are offering. If they do you can use this information to offer comparisons or new alternatives.

You should also find out what other interests or needs a potential customer may have. They may need a product or service that your business can offer but that you did not consider offering because you were not aware that the need was there.

Listening to your customer is an important part of business to business telemarketing. Make sure you ask questions and gather information to understand your potential customer’s needs in order to be successful with your sales calls.

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For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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How do You Find MLM Leads?

by Reginal Rinchere

We’ve already learned that lead generation can be accomplished in many ways using:

* Search Engine Optimization

* Bounce Backs

* Networking

* Target Marketing

* Lead Purchasing

But, HOW precisely do you generate leads with these methods? Let’s take a closer look and find out how. We’ll do the first two in this article – SEO and Bounce Backs.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is used by smaller businesses right on up to Fortune 500 companies to improve online exposure and get a larger market share of customers. SEO can be broken down into two categories – Pay Per Click (PPC) and Natural or Organic.

If you’re using PPC for your website, your site needs to be optimized for your target audience. This means you have to identify your audience first, and then put the right kind of content in your site for that market.

Once the site is optimized with the key words and content for your target market check out the PPC sellers (ie Google Adwords) and launch your campaign. PPC can be effective if you know what you are doing, and conversely, can be expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Research all your options first, and take the time to learn how to use PPC properly. Natural or Organic searches use a site’s meta tags in conjunction with content.

Both these things make a difference in the search engine rankings and the results returned from a search. This isn’t paid for, it’s all in how well you’ve done your tweaking job for the engine spiders to find and rank you.

This method is admittedly a lot of work, as in, you must always supply the site with fresh and relevant content that targets your market. If you don’t update content on a regular basis or swipe someone else’s work, you’ll drop in the rankings. You also have to know what various search engines are looking for in content and originality.

Bounce backs are a response to an opportunity e-mail that someone sends you. These are good candidates because they’re actively building a business.

The down side to this lead generation method is you’ll be receiving a lot of emails that people label as SPAM. Yes these e-mails are a nuisance, but they can also be pay dirt for you.

Basically, you get on mailing lists, verify e mails sent to you, and then learn how to respond to the various solicitations/replies you get in return. This can actually be a lot of fun.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Annual Recovery Audit Keeps Money Finances In Control

by Bob Morris

It is an economic truth that companies that do well develop in complexity over the years, which also fuels the margin for error. It is also a modern fiscal truth that companies are finding it increasingly necessary to identify new ways to increase profits during these financially difficult times. For both these reasons, a recurring method of identifying duplicate payments using recovery audit software has become an ever more integral part of normal business practice. The overall result of a recovery audit is an immediate improvement in profit margins as it discovers lost profits and acts to obtain their retrieval and this acts towards keeping the ‘bottom-line’ healthy.

Although the main role of a recovery audit is to recover lost profits through duplicate payments, an important consequence is its job in enhancing business practices and as a consequence assisting to lower outgoings. In the audit of businesses accounts processes, a recovery audit will also analyze why an overpayment was made and how it was allowed to be made. This is the beginning step in strengthening efficiencies in the payments chain. Increased efficiency leads to minimized costs and increased profit margins for companies.

There are a number of problems that recovery audit software and a recovery audit can discover that contribute to duplicate payments. For many companies, it’s simply a product of large transaction volumes and having multiple clients. The issues of scale mean that even a 0.1% error rate can mean thousands and even millions in lost profits for a corporation. Other issues can also be caused by recent, specific events that have happened for the company such as quick growth or company mergers, which can result in, for example, additional systems that don’t integrate properly and which can lead to errors. In this instance, the issue is a one-off one and has the notable advantage of only needing a one-off fix in order to fix.

A recovery audit team using professional recovery audit software can also identify deeper, on-going issues that can lead to continued duplicate payments. These are regularly issues concerning a company’s business processes such as inadequate controls, unreliable communication, a lack of standardized procedures and inappropriate employee training. All of these are contributing problems to a growth in duplicate payments and will demand a workplace to reflect on its workplace culture and potentially a permanent change in normal business practice and procedures in order to address it.

A recovery audit is usually started through the addition of a piece of recovery audit software. This can be the most inexpensive and easiest way to identify duplicate payments, especially for small-to-medium companies. A range of recovery audit software is available on the market, with differences in cost and complexity in order to cater for every workplace.

For those businesses with complicated pricing structures, a notable amount of buyers or are just needing a more in-depth and thorough audit in the hands of specialists, a trained recovery audit team will demonstrate the greatest value for money. These analysts, alongside their software, will methodically analyze where duplicate payments are being made and can go one step further by proposing answers to any detected errors.

When picking your recovery audit software, it’s crucial to take into account an assortment of issues. The first thing is if the audit software is compatible with your accounts software. This is a critical consideration in order to avoid unanticipated computer errors that can sometimes create problems. More factors to bear in mind is if the price of the software represents good value for a business of your size, how the software aims to achieve its objective and what its drawbacks are. If you choose to go with a recovery audit company, you will find that they typically use specialized software that has been created by the audit business itself. Therefore, the audit business should be completely familiar with the software and can implement it seamlessly into a business system while an audit is being conducted. A recovery audit team will also employ data technicians and analysts who can see what the software can not and, most crucially, advise a business on solutions to address any issues that were contributing to extra duplicate payments.

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For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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Jumbo Loan Rates Giving You That Losing Feeling?

by Barry Crewse

When hearing the term “jumbo loan rates” you may find yourself wondering just what type of loan that is and who actually gets them. Which exactly is jumbo, the rates or the loan and who in their right mind would want either.

Jumbo mortgages are mortgages that are for bigger than normal loan amounts. They are also known as California loans because of their prevalent use in California to purchase the expensive homes that are located there. You could say the jumbo loan concept was likely born in California before the housing bubble created expensive real estate across the country.

Jumbo mortgages are loans above the conventional conforming loan limit of $417,000 (or $625,500 in Alaska and Hawaii) as set by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. However, the recent economic stimulus package temporarily increases the conforming limit to $729,750 until December 31, 2008.

Jumbo mortgages are the types of loans associated with exceptionally high priced homes and, subsequently, also carry higher interest rates. Jumbo loan rates differ from traditional home mortgages only due to the amount borrowed to purchase the home. Jumbo mortgages are facing higher rates and getting harder to obtain. A mortgage interest calculator can help you determine the total cost of these type of loans.

People who have owned their own homes in the past as well as having great credit, assets and a high income bracket are typically those who attempt to get these types of loans.

Conventional types of mortgage loans can vary widely and as such jumbo loans are no exception and have just as many variables as well. They may come as adjustable rate, hybrid and fixed rate loans with loan to value ratio’s as high as 0.

Over the years, mortgage interest rates have declined considerably so does that mean you will get stuck with a jumbo size jumbo loan rate? More than likely the answer is yes. A mortgage interest calculator will tell the story quickly.

Jumbo loan rates typically run anywhere from .125% to .75% and in some cases higher depending on all that small print contained in your contract! To most who obtain these types of loans the increase in payment amounts are really of no significance. Most prefer putting a larger down payment in play and stick with a more conventional type loan thereby saving the most money in the long run.

If you are considering jumbo loan rates your best bet is to get online and use a free mortgage interest calculator which can tell you instantly what these types of loans will cost.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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The Black Diamond Engagement Ring

by Alice Sy

There are many kinds of diamonds to choose for your loved one, especially for an engagement ring. You can actually choose different designs, shapes, sizes and colors.

Colorless diamonds are popular choices for engagement rings. A man can choose to give his bride-to-be a pink or yellow diamond engagement ring; which is preferred by a lot of women. So giving a black diamond engagement ring is not really a popular choice.

Unlike traditional colors of diamond engagement rings, a black diamond engagement ring is “unique if not an eccentric kind of ring to choose for a loved one.

There a probably a few women who would have a taste or penchant for this very odd color of engagement ring because often the color of black is associated with evil, darkness or even witchcraft. So it would be surprising if not scary to be given a ring especially a black diamond engagement ring.

But unknown to people, black diamonds are popular stone choices for male jewelries especially for Europeans. Usually black diamonds are included in wedding rings and bracelets. They are often combined with more lustrous or more colorful diamonds and other precious stones to enhance the brilliance of the colored gems or highlight the black diamond itself.

Men who offer to give a black diamond engagement ring also choose rings that are set in platinum or titanium to enhance the color of the black diamond or combine it with stones the color of their choice and have the design custom made to make it extra special.

The appearance of black diamonds may be in hues of green, gray or midnight black. The color can range from being dense or translucent in hue.

When buying a black diamond engagement ring, you need to go to an accredited jeweler because some people trick sellers by adding color to fancy stones and make it appear a true black diamond. You can ask for papers proving that you are getting the real deal.

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For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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How to prospect for leads

by Reginal Rinchere

If your MLM opportunity relies on cold callng you already know the importance of properly qualifying prospects. You need to learn about your prospect and what their needs are. Figure out how your product meets those needs. That means you need a qualified prospect.

What is a qualified prospect and where on earth do you find them. A qualified prospect is a person who needs or wants your product because it satisfies a need or solves a problem they have.

How will your prospect know if what you’re offering is going to help? They’ve never heard of you or your product until you contacted them.

They’ll know because you’ve done your homework before contacting them and know what will expand their business.

That’s where good solid Internet research comes in. Now you start getting to know your prospect, or in other words, you start relationship marketing.

Then over time by talking to them, you’ll get a clear view about them and their needs are. You’ll know if you want to have them on your Team. Your products and your service and how you offer it is important.

Some will let you know right away they aren’t interested. Some will call you names. Some simply don’t understand how you could possibly help them, until you educate them.

You’ll know right away your business isn’t for them. Why? Because they will not work to make your business work for them or for you. And you’re not in business to lose business or customers.

Don’t waste countless hours trying to convince people to work with you. They either want to because they recognize the value of the opportunity or they don’t want to and hounding them isn’t going to make any difference.

About the Author:

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (

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