-ARTICLE WRITING – $ 1000 PER ARTICLE (Includes distribution to 200 internet sites)
-INTERNET ARTICLE DISTRIBUTION (Introductory prices – for a limited time only)
Set Up Account and first article — $1000 per author and website identity. This is for distribution only. (You supply a 750-1250 word article – However, ghost-writing services also available for an additional fee.) Article gets distributed to a minimum of 200 internet article distribution sites (may be as many as 500+) which usually results in anywhere from 100 to 25,000 back links on Google. (Guarantee at least 100 or we will distribute again no charge)
Subsequent articles (for same author and website identity) $500.00 each
No set up fee.
$10,000 per author and company identity. This is for distribution only. (You supply a 350 word article and one picture – However, ghost writing services also available for an additional fee.) Articles are guaranteed to be picked up by at least 100 print media and newspapers. However, on the average 600+ newspapers pick up articles and this figure can go as high as 8000+.
Volume discounts are available for prepaid articles. (For example 12 articles for $100,000 if prepaid.)
Of course we still have the larger packages for $1,000,000 on up for larger campaigns. And we also have RADIO and TV Media Relation packages available.
RESEARCH REPORT – One Research report, including distribution. Our professional research reports can be forwarded to investors, stock brokers, and newswire
A high quality academic research profile helps to introduce and position companies in financial media in North America, Europe, Asia and other global markets. This is achieved through the timely and newsworthy distribution of corporate and financial information to targeted media with the intent of attracting the attention of key editors who in turn may publish positive stories.
From a marketing point of view, third party endorsements are always more effective due to the fact that many consumers of products and services are apprehensive and do not believe advertising placed by companies. This is particularly true in the financial industry. An intelligent research report distributed to key media can inspire articles on your company from many sources and boost your investor relations efforts.
COST = $ 3,500
Email news or articles on your company to industry professionals in the US and Canada. We have an opt-in list of 12,000 stock brokers and your message will go directly to their desk. Our solutions have nothing whatsoever to do with SPAM or Cold Calling. On the contrary, we use the best, most sophisticated technology and skills available today to generate both short term and long term results.
COST = $4000
We drive accredited investor hits to your website
500 quality hits per day on average for one month
Traffic targeted to accredited investors
High quality verifiable hits with hit count reports
Directing website traffic to your corporate website
Includes website and traffic analysis and positioning
Choose a preferred geographical area to target: US, Central, Europe, India etc.
COST = $5000
Blogs generate traffic. Websites don’t. We will design and build a BLOG or series of BLOGS to enhance your website, get it indexed in as little as 24-48 hours and for your website and drive traffic to your site.
COST = 1 BLOG – $ 5,000
3 BLOGS – $10,000
Design Goolge ADWORDS campaign – $2000 (one time fee)
LEADS/VISITS – World Wide (except W. Europe, US and CANADA) – $ 0.50 per visit
Western Europe – $ 1.00 per visit
US and CANADA $ 2.00 per visit

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (www.SamuelWierdlowInc.info)
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