We Now offer to Travel to Singapore and Hong Kong to meet some of our Billioniare/Multi-Millioniare/Funds for a casual pitch over breakfast or lunch.
We take a maximum of 5 Companies with us to Singapore and Hong-Kong to meet and pitch investors. You will have breakfast or lunch with a minimum of 10 large investors over a 10 day period in Singapore and Hong Kong.
Enjoy yourself while you are there. Cost is $20,000 per company + plane fare. (Based on 5 companies – fewer companies increases cost.)
Switzerland and Germany Road Show
We Now offer to Travel to Switzerland and Germany to meet some of our Billioniare/Multi-Millioniare/Funds for a casual pitch over breakfast or lunch.
We take a maximum of 5 Companies with us to Switzerland and Germany to meet and pitch investors. You will have breakfast or lunch with a minimum of 10 large investors over a 10 day period in Switzerland and Germany.
Enjoy yourself while you are there. Cost is $20,000 per company + plane fare. (Based on 5 companies – fewer companies increases cost.)
Interested parties please contact us below. Indicate which tour you are interested in and timeframe.
For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (www.SamuelWierdlowInc.info)