Since 1998
ARTFIELD INVESTMENTS RD INC. (ARTFIELD)– Artfield Investments RD Inc.’s principals have been facilitating private companies going public since 1987. ARTFIELD was formed in 1998 and has been assisting public companies with mergers and acquisitions since then.
Artfield has compiled a group of professionals to handle all aspects of GOING PUBLIC–SEC attorneys and paralegals, Investment Bankers, Broker Dealers, Investors, Market Makers, PR firms, Accountants, Bridge Financiers, and MEDIA placement firms. Artfield is continually expanding its association of professionals and stands in a coordinating position for its clients. When a deal is structured for a client it is structured to fit smoothly with all aspects of going public from Legal through Investment Banking to Market Making and PR. Since Artfield’s team of professionals are associates rather than in-house employees, Artfield can structure and maintain the highest degree of integrity for the Client by picking and choosing the best associates for the individual client’s particular needs.
Artfield also maintains a team of in-house SEC paralegals which results in lower-cost document preparation and hence a lower cost of “going public” for its clients. Artfield’s team of SEC attorneys and SEC paralegals means our clients get the highest quality, most thorough legal work at the lowest cost possible.
Because of Artfield’s extensive experience in the “going public process”, and its large base of contacts from its client base as well as industry professionals, Artfield is able to provide its clients with a unique service in all areas of “going public.”

For All of your INCORPORATING needs contact Samuel Wierdlow Inc. (