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The History Of The ModernToilet

by Tal Potishman

It is easy to take for granted the marvel of modern day flushing. It is also unfathomable to think how people once upon a time did live in very unsanitary conditions without this precious device. In Rome people used to do their ‘business’ in public settings, often whilst discussing politics. Modern day plumbing truly has changed the world that we live in.

When people think of the invention of the toilet, they think of Sir Thomas Crapper. It is not hard to fathom why as his surname is ‘Crapper’. However, although he can be credited for many of the improvements made in the system, him being behind the invention is largely a myth. The Victorians were largely baffled as to how to build a flushing water closet that would efficiently remove waste in the most sanitary way possible.

In the year of 1596, Sir John Harrington had a flushing water closet designed for Queen Elizabeth 1st. However the flushing water closet did not become popular with the rest of society as it was seen more as a novelty, and not one for much practical use. The problem of how to dispose waste remained. It was only when disease started spreading in 1832 when people started to make the connection between the unsanitary conditions they were living in and the spreading of disease.

Alexander Cummings made somewhat of an improvement to the toilet in 1775. In the water closet, the water supply was brought low into the bowl, and some water remained after each flush. Although there were some improvements, such as the cleansing of the bowl due to excess water, there were still some areas that needed to be fixed. The seal at the bottom of the toilet leaked and this was continually emitting sewer gases into the home. People did not realise at the time how toxic these gases could be.

Sir Thomas Crapper can be credited for solving many of these problems with the flush system. As a plumber he opened up his shop in 1861 and named it ”The Marlboro Works of Thomas Crapper & Company’. Crapper became vastly experienced in testing toilets so that he had a 250-gallon water tank installed on the roof of his building. His fame can be largely attributed to the improvements he made to the water closet. For one thing, he invented a pull-chain system for powerful flushing, and an air tight seal between the toilet and the floor. Furthermore, he patented several venting systems for venting the sewer gas by way of a pipe through the roof.

Modern day toilets are a marvel. If we truly examined how long it took various plumbers and inventors to design a sanitary and efficient means of waste disposal, we would appreciate the modern commode much more. So next time you decide to go for a ‘business’ imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t have this marvel.

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